Grass-roots Management Courses
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- Grassroots managers' leadership ability improvement2019-04-12
- Excellent team leader training camp - to build a solid grassroots group2019-04-12
- TWI front line management skills training2019-04-12
- Excellent team leader core skills training2019-04-12
- Staff characteristics and management methods training after 80/902019-04-12
- New manager management skills improvement2019-04-12
- Emotional management and stress relief2019-04-12
- Goal management and planning2019-04-12
- Work plan and execution2019-04-12
- Excellent execution2019-04-12
- Effective employee motivation skills2019-04-12
- Effective communication and teamwork across departments2019-04-12
- Efficient time management2019-04-12
- From technicians to management2019-04-12
- Effective staff management - the core management skills of new managersC2019-04-12