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Factory inspection consultatio

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Sedex / Disturbing

Browse times:879     author:admin    time:2019-04-12

1. What is Sedex?
Sedex is the abbreviation for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Sedex is a network database that helps companies store labor guidelines within their business, and their customers can share this information. Today, Sedex has been favored by many large retailers and manufacturers, including Co-op, Geest, Grampian-Foods, HallmarkCards.
Sainsbury and Tesco. Birth background: SEDEX is a non-profit organization based in London, UK, where companies can apply for membership anywhere in the world. SEDEX has been favored by many large retailers and manufacturers, and many retailers, supermarkets, brands, suppliers and other organizations require farms, factories and manufacturers to participate in SEDEX member ethics audits (SMETA). In order to ensure that its operations meet the requirements of relevant ethical standards, the results of the audit can be recognized and shared by all SEDEX members, so the supplier can save many duplicate audits from customers by accepting the SEDEX audit.
Support buyers: Most are British retailers such as Tesco Tesco, John Lewis, Marks and Spencer Martha, Sainsbury's, The Body Shop, Waitrose and more.
Scope of application: all industries.
2. Sedex Supplier Code of Conduct:
1. Prohibit forced labor;
2. The freedom of association and the power of workers to negotiate labor;
3. Healthy, safe and healthy working environment;
4. It is prohibited to use children for work;
5. Maintain the wages of life;
6. Working hours: in compliance with legal requirements;
7. Prohibition of discrimination;
8. Formal employment relationships;
9. Prohibition of abuse or corporal punishment or abuse of employees.

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