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Poka-Yoke error-proof and foolproof technology application training
Browse times:1034 author:admin time:2019-04-12
1. The principle of defect escape shows that no matter how serious your inspection and testing, as long as you create defects, it will definitely flow to the customer. Therefore, it is impossible to manually detect and control defects. Therefore, the error prevention method can help people to achieve "zero defects" in product design and process design, and does not rely on human technology, experience and mistakes.
2. Deeply understand that errors can be avoided and prevented;
3. The system masters the theory and technology of error prevention, how to apply it in product design and process design and quality engineering;
4. Discover the value of process improvement, and replace it with error detection to find errors;
5. Understand the error prevention measures in your daily life and inspire your process error prevention methods;
6. Achieve full participation in management, improve the quality of work, and ultimately achieve zero defects.