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Basic Tools and Methodology

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QCC quality control circle

Browse times:1047     author:admin    time:2019-04-12

1. Quality Control Circle (QCC) is a small circle group (also known as QC group, generally about 6 people) who automatically and spontaneously form a circle of people from the same, similar or complementary workplaces. All cooperation, brainstorming, according to A certain activity program to solve problems and problems in the work site, management, culture and other aspects. It is a more lively form of quality control. The aim is to improve product quality and work efficiency.

2. The ancestor of the United States
Beginning in 1950, Professor Deming's statistical method course, and 1954 Professor Juran's quality management course.


(The quality control circle was created by Dr. Ishikawa, Japan in 1962. It is often referred to as the quality management team in China.) The Japanese are not just training engineers and supervisors, but plan to increase productivity. The Quality Control Department is a large department in the United States. Its members include quality control engineers, reliability engineers and experts in other fields. In contrast, Japan can broaden the quality control department and specialization after extensively teaching the quality management methods of managers in various fields. Engineer.
Results of Japan's implementation
Japan had more than 10,000 quality control circles in April 1966, and each lap showed the following qualities:
(1) An average savings of US$3,000 per lap.
(2) The overall improvement in Japan has reached a total of 300 million US dollars.
(3) Managers and engineers can have these results without spending time, and still handle cross-departmental and high-level operational plans.
(4) Analyze many sudden problems, reduce variability and prevent recurrence.
(5) There are many great management techniques in the workplace, such as: clearer interpretation criteria, more complete techniques, better numerical feedback and control charts.

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