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Product certification

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GOST (Russia)

Browse times:907     author:admin    time:2019-04-12

1, GOST introduction
Since the promulgation of the Law on the Law of Products and Accreditation Services of the Russian Federation in 1995, Russia has begun to implement a compulsory certification system for products. From the initial dozens of products that need to provide safety certification to the present thousands of products, product certification is implemented on the market. The access system requires that the listed products on the domestic market must have a compulsory certification mark.
GOST: Russian mandatory certification.
In recent years, Russia has gradually strengthened the compulsory certification management of imported goods, and extended the compulsory certification of products to the customs. Article 14 of the Russian Product and Certification Services Act stipulates that "for products subject to compulsory certification in accordance with the provisions of the Russian Federation, The import contract shall state that the certificate of conformity and the conformity mark "," the product certificate shall be presented to the customs together with the customs declaration form of the goods, and used as the main document to obtain permission to enter the territory of the Russian Federation."
2. The range of compulsory certification products prescribed by the Russian government:
In 1996 and 1999, the National Customs Committee of the Russian Federation twice announced the "list of goods requiring compulsory certification to enter the customs territory of the Russian Federation", mainly including: food, household appliances, electronic products, light industrial products, cosmetics, furniture, toys, Ceramics, etc. Compared with China's exports of Russian goods, most of the products that China exports to Russia are subject to compulsory certification. Animal products must also have animal quarantine certificates, and food must also have health certificates.
3. The significance of compulsory certification of foreign goods through Russian standards:
According to Russian law, if the goods belong to the scope of compulsory certification, whether they are produced in Russia or imported, they should be certified according to the current safety regulations and receive the Russian National Standards Certificate (abbreviated GOST certificate). The Russian national standard certificate of conformity is divided into two types: the batch certificate and the batch production certificate. One is the delivery of the batch certificate. The exporter is only valid for a batch of products. Since Russia has not approved the laboratory in China, it cannot be issued in China. Batch production certificates are very suitable for Chinese companies. Once they pass the factory inspection, they are allowed to sell in Russia within the three-year validity period.

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