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Product certification

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CQC (China)

Browse times:956     author:admin    time:2019-04-12

1. CQC certification, product voluntary certification introduction:
CQC certification is the China's largest professional certification body with the impartial nature of the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) set up by the former State Administration of Commodity Inspection under the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China and its Implementation Regulations.
     China has implemented the national compulsory certification system (CCC certification) since May 1, 2002, and compulsory certification for products listed in the "CCC" catalogue. For products not listed in the catalogue, if certification is required, voluntary certification is adopted, CQC The certification mark is a voluntary certification mark.
Second, CQC certified product range: products not listed in the CCC catalog.
Third, CQC certification services: Huazhida Consulting can provide agency services, high-speed, convenient, one-stop to meet customer requirements, as well as factory-related counseling related work.

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