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Lean Production Tools: Value Flow Chart (VSM)
Browse times:931 author:admin time:2019-04-12
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a visualization tool used to describe logistics and information flow within the framework of Toyota's Lean Manufacturing production system. VSM can serve as a starting point for managers, engineers, manufacturing personnel, process planners, suppliers, and customers to find waste and find the root cause of waste. From this point of view, VSM is also a communication tool. However, VSM is often used as a strategic tool and change management tool. VSM achieves the above objectives by visually describing the logistics and information flow in the production process. From the moment the raw materials are purchased, the VSM begins to work, which runs through all the processes and steps of the manufacturing process until the end product leaves the warehouse.
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) uses sophisticated tools and techniques to help companies understand and streamline their production processes. The purpose of the value flow chart is to identify and reduce waste in the production process. Waste is defined here as any activity that does not add value to the end product and is often used to account for the reduced amount of "waste" in the production process.VSM describes and records the cycle time, downtime, in-process inventory, raw material flow, information flow, etc. in the manufacturing process, which helps to visualize the current state of the process and facilitate the guidance of the production process. Towards an idealized direction.
The VSM typically includes a description of the "current state" and "future state" states as a basis for a lean manufacturing strategy.
Development History
In the 1980s, Toyota's chief engineers Taiichi Ohno and sensei Shigeo Shingo took the lead in using the method of removing production waste to gain a competitive advantage. Their main starting point was to improve production efficiency rather than improve product quality. The reason for this is that they believe that increased productivity will help in lean manufacturing, which can expose deep waste and quality problems in the system. Therefore, the systematic attack on the waste problem is to attack the underlying causes of the quality problem and attack the fundamental management problem. Seven common wastes identified in the Toyota Production System (in the brackets, the expression is Jones):1. overproduction (faster than necessary);
2. Waiting;
3. Transportation (handling);
4. Inappropriate processes;
5. Unnecessary inventory (excess inventory);
6. Unnecessary actions;
7. Defective (correction error).
Seven tools
1. Process Activity Mapping. Origin: Industrial Engineering.2. Supply Chain Response Matrix. Origin: Time acceleration and logistics.
3. Production Variety Funnel. Origin: Operations Management.
4. Quality Filter Mapping.
5. Demand Amplification Mapping. Origin: System dynamics.
6. Decision Point Analysis. Origin: Effective consumer response / logistics.
7. Physical Structure Mapping.
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