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Lean tool training
Browse times:1012 author:admin time:2019-04-12
It mainly introduces the system model of lean production represented by Toyota, which eliminates various waste phenomena in the production process as a way to reduce manufacturing costs. Interspersed with 'kanban' production, 'balanced production plan', 'concurrent equipment' Layout and implementation of a lean improvement tool such as flow production ', 'standard work', 'quick change production', 'automation'; and how to establish a 'pull-type' production system organization mode at the production site.
Training objectives:
1 Under the conditions of market demand such as “multi-variety, short delivery period, large demand fluctuations”, what kind of production organization mode is adopted to shorten the manufacturing cycle and respond quickly to market demand;2 Under the conditions of “less batch” production organization, how to reduce manufacturing costs;
3 Identify value-added processes and non-value-added processes in the production process;
4 Clearly promote the importance of lean production methods for discrete manufacturing companies.